Explainer: Dump BEE and give people the help they NEED

We all know that BEE really stands for Blatant Elite Enrichment. NEED - Non-racial Economic Empowerment for the Disadvantaged - is a fair and practical alternative to BEE that empowers South Africans by taking resources out of the hands of the government’s cronies and cadres and putting them in the hands of ordinary people.
Explainer: Dump BEE and give people the help they NEED

We all know that BEE really stands for Blatant Elite Enrichment. NEED - Non-racial Economic Empowerment for the Disadvantaged - is a fair and practical alternative to BEE. Instead of politicians being in charge of your education, healthcare, and housing, NEED gives resources and control to people trying to fight their way out of poverty.


Let’s dump BEE and give people the help they NEED.





We all know that BEE really stands for Blatant Elite Enrichment. 

Isn’t it time to dump policies that help the rich and powerful with their greed, but fail to give ordinary people what they need?


It’s time for Non-racial Economic Empowerment for the Disadvantaged.

Developed by the South African Institute of Race Relations, led by Dr. Anthea Jeffery, NEED is a practical and fair alternative to BEE. 

Where BEE 

  • keeps apartheid-era racism alive in the jobs market, and
  • motivates big businesses to bribe political elites with fake, economy-killing jobs,


  • helps vulnerable people, no matter the colour of their skin, and
  • helps decent businesses give struggling, hard-working people a fair chance to get a real job and escape poverty

NEED empowers South Africans by taking resources out of the hands of the government’s cronies and cadres and putting it in the hands of ordinary people who are struggling to make ends meet.  

Instead of politicians being in charge of your education, healthcare, and housing, NEED gives resources and control to people trying to fight their way out of poverty:

  1. School vouchers to send kids to good schools chosen by parents;
  2. Healthcare vouchers to get proper treatment from the clinic or hospital people choose; and 
  3. Housing vouchers, empowering struggling people with the resources to buy or build their own homes.

Let’s give crippling poverty a knockout blow. 

Let’s dump BEE and give people the help they NEED.



Illustration Sources available here.


Making our case in the media
Explainer: Dump BEE and give people the help they NEED

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